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17 | Matthew Douglass | Church Union | November 19, 1914 | |
16 | John O'Hara | The Economic Inevitability of the Present European War | October 19, 1914 | |
15 | Robert C. Clark | French Republicanism | June 9, 1914 | |
14 | Algernon Dixon | The National Chamber of Commerce | May 12, 1914 | |
13 | Robert Booth | The Future of the Pacific Coast | April 14, 1914 | |
12 | William Dill | Prison Reform | March 9, 1914 | |
11 | Frederick Comings | A True Invoice of the Medical Profession | February 10, 1914 | |
10 | Edgar DeCou | The Australian Commonwealth | January 13, 1914 | |
9 | Prince Lucien Campbell | Some Contributions to the Conception of Consciousness | December 9, 1913 | |
8 | Edmund Conklin | The Psychology of Dreams | November 11, 1913 | |
7 | Eric Allen | The History of Great Newspapers | October 21, 1913 | |
6 | H.S. Wilkenson | H. P. Bowne | June 12, 1913 | |
5 | Frederic Dunn | Roman Humor | May 13, 1913 | |
4 | John Bovard | Theories of Heredity and Their Application to Eugenics | April 8, 1913 | |
3 | Frank Jenkins | Comparison of Direct and Representative Government | March 11, 1913 | |
2 | Joseph Schafer | The Balkan Situation | February 11, 1913 | |
1 | William Parsons | The Catholic Church from the Protestant Standpoint | January 14, 1913 | |
67 | John Landsbury | Music -- The Science | November 11, 1919 | |
66 | Dean Walker | Oregon Football | November 9, 1919 | |
65 | Frederic Dunn | Vignettes and Silhouettes From Italy | October 14, 1919 | |
64 | Raymond Wheeler | Some Freak Developments of the Human Mind | October 12, 1919 | |
63 | Prince Lucien Campbell | Mazama Recollections | June 11, 1919 | |
62 | Edmund Conklin | The Trails of the Ghost Hunter | May 13, 1919 | |
61 | Carl McClain | Guarding Public Health | May 11, 1919 | |
60 | Algernon Dixon | Industrial Problems of the Northwest | April 13, 1919 | |
59 | Lester Hulin | Glimpses of Early Eugene | April 8, 1919 | |
58 | Charles Howard | Scientific Methods as Applied to Education | March 11, 1919 | |
57 | William Boynton | The Triumph of Physics in the World War | March 9, 1919 | |
56 | Robert C. Clark | Organization and Accomplishments of the Peace Conference | February 11, 1919 | |
55 | William Milne | Mathematics of the World War | February 10, 1919 | |
54 | J. Leader | Sidelights on the American Civil War | January 14, 1919 | |
53 | Arthur Rogers | America's Part in Financing the World War | January 13, 1919 | |
52 | Frank Jenkins | The Place of the Newspaper in American Life | December 10, 1918 | |
51 | Robert C. Clark | The Committee on Public Information | November 19, 1918 | |
50 | C. Edmondson | Our Sea Food Resources | October 8, 1918 | |
49 | Ernest Bates | Literature of the War | June 12, 1918 | |
48 | George Parkinson | Dependent Classes Under the Mosaic and Babylonian Codes | May 15, 1918 | |
47 | B. Debusk | Our Physical Unpreparedness | April 10, 1918 | |
46 | Seward Allen | Justice or Expediency | March 13, 1918 | |
45 | W. Case | Lincoln's Americanism | February 12, 1918 | |
44 | Marion McClain | City Beautification | January 10, 1918 | |
43 | Joseph Devers | The Criminal, the Crime, the Cause | December 11, 1917 | |
42 | Omar Gullion | Bacterial Vaccines | November 13, 1917 | |
41 | Harry Bowen | Co-operation vs. Competition as a Business Builder | October 9, 1917 | |
40 | Henry Sheldon | Mothers and Schoolma’ams | May 8, 1917 | |
39 | Grant Beardsley | Socializing Tendencies in the Practice of Medicine | April 10, 1917 | |
38 | Walter Morton | Selling Latin America | March 13, 1917 | |
37 | Milton Miller | Focal Infection of the Teeth | February 13, 1917 | |
36 | Fred Ayer | Drawing as a Language | January 9, 1917 | |
35 | John Williams | Preparedness From a Military Standpoint | December 12, 1916 | |
34 | Alpheus Spangler | Rural Survey of Lane County | November 14, 1916 | |
33 | Earl Immel | Sunday Legislation | October 10, 1916 | |
32 | Clayton Collins | The Junior High School | June 6, 1916 | |
31 | Ralph Lyman | History of Song | May 16, 1916 | |
30 | Allbee Wheeler | The Title to Our Lands | April 11, 1916 | |
29 | Orin Stafford | The Outlook for Industrial Development in the Northwest | March 14, 1916 | |
28 | Attilla Norman | Co-operation and the Co-operator | February 15, 1916 | |
27 | Dugald Campbell | Sheep and Shepherds -- Here and Elsewhere | January 11, 1916 | |
26 | William Kuykendall | The Entrance of the Human Mind Into the Problem of Evolution | December 14, 1915 | |
25 | Colin Dyment | Scientific Community Promotion Versus ‘Boosting’ | November 9, 1915 | |
24 | Warren Smith | America and the Future of the Orient | October 12, 1915 | |
23 | Madison Harris | Oral Hygiene and Efficiency | May 8, 1915 | |
22 | Ralph Hamilton | A Lawyer's Attitude Toward Legislation | April 13, 1915 | |
21 | Frederick Shinn | Practical Applications of Science to Everyday Life | March 9, 1915 | |
20 | Charles Southworth | The Prevention of Disease | February 9, 1915 | |
19 | George Hug | Vocational Guidance | January 12, 1915 | |
18 | Edwin Potter | The Proper Function of the Judiciary | December 8, 1914 | |
117 | Ralph Casey | Some Problems in the Creation of an Intelligent Public Opinion | April 13, 1926 | |
116 | Carl McClain | Modern Street Lighting | March 9, 1926 | |
115 | Hale Douglass | The American Public Library | February 9, 1926 | |
114 | Algernon Dixon | From the First Tree to the Last | January 12, 1926 | |
113 | Charles Carpenter | Legal and Sociological Aspects of Anti-Evolution Laws | December 8, 1925 | |
112 | Arthur Rogers | Some Phases of the Federal Reserve System | November 10, 1925 | |
111 | Fred Stetson | Problems in Administering Public Education | October 13, 1925 | |
110 | George Turnbull | Looking in on Journalism | June 9, 1925 | |
109 | Robert C. Clark | The Expurgation of History Texts | May 12, 1925 | |
108 | Grant Beardsley | Subsidizing Our Infant Industry | April 14, 1925 | |
107 | Tom Harris | Some American Fundamentals | March 10, 1925 | |
106 | Lester Hulin | Rural Life and One of Its Serious Problems | February 10, 1925 | |
105 | Williame Milne | Role of Exact Science in the Development of Civilization | January 13, 1925 | |
104 | Claude Rorer | Investments | December 9, 1924 | |
103 | Bruce Giffen | Relation of Church and State in Religious Education | November 11, 1924 | |
102 | Walter Barnes | Question of a Durable Peace | October 14, 1924 | |
101 | John Bovard | The Modern Trend of Physical Education | June 10, 1924 | |
100 | Sam Warner | Oregon’s Defense Against Crime | May 13, 1924 | |
99 | William Kuykendall | The Problem of a Better Human Race | April 8, 1924 | |
98 | Frank Chambers | Some Ins and Outs of Merchandising | March 11, 1924 | |
97 | William Hale | Freedom of Speech and of the Press | February 12, 1924 | |
96 | Frederick Comings | The Drug Evil | January 8, 1924 | |
95 | Edmund Conklin | The Psychology of Futurism | December 11, 1923 | |
94 | Ralph Martin | Why I Believe in Eugene | November 13, 1923 | |
93 | Edwin Hodge | Minerals in History and Modern Affairs | October 9, 1923 | |
92 | R. Bolt | Problems Concerned with the Welfare of Mothers and Children | June 14, 1923 | |
91 | Omar Gullion | Substitution in Medical Education | May 8, 1923 | |
90 | Albert Sweetser | The Mountain Wild Flowers of the Northwest | April 17, 1923 | |
89 | Orin Stafford | Some Forest By-Products | April 13, 1923 | |
88 | Edwin Potter | Some Observations on the Referendum and Recall | February 13, 1923 | |
87 | William Newell | The Farm Problem of Western Oregon | January 9, 1923 | |
86 | Warren Smith | The Philippine Situation as Viewed by a Geologist | December 12, 1922 | |
85 | Albert Caswell | The Energy Problem of the Future | November 14, 1922 | |
84 | W. Case | The Newer Orthodoxy | October 10, 1922 | |
83 | James Gilbert | The Meaning of Syndicalism | May 9, 1922 | |
82 | Colin Dyment | Tendencies in Higher Education | April 11, 1922 | |
81 | Clayton Collins | The Housing Problems of the Future | March 14, 1922 | |
80 | Walter Barnes | The Russian Revolutionary Movement | February 14, 1922 | |
79 | Grant Beardsley | Malnutrition -- Causes and Results | January 10, 1922 | |
78 | Harry Torry | Some New Aspects of Medical Education | December 13, 1921 | |
77 | Earl Immel | Wills -- Their Origin and Examples | November 9, 1921 | |
76 | Eric Allen | What's the Matter with the Newspapers? | October 11, 1921 | |
75 | Robert Booth | The State Highway System and Its Benefits | June 14, 1921 | |
74 | Edwin Robbins | The Economic Emancipation of Women | May 10, 1921 | |
73 | E. Sawyer | Motor Trip Impressions of California | April 12, 1921 | |
72 | Seward Allen | Some Legislative Problems in Oregon | March 8, 1921 | |
71 | Sam Warner | Legal Procedure in Theory and Practice | February 8, 1921 | |
70 | R. Calkins | Transportation Problems During the War | January 11, 1921 | |
69 | Earl Packard | Quest for Petroleum | December 11, 1919 | |
68 | Claude Rorer | The Dawn of a New Agriculture | December 9, 1919 | |
167 | Clay Palmer | The Ultimate End of the Modern Trend in Religious Belief | December 8, 1931 | |
166 | Roger Williams | Vitamins in Life and Health | November 10, 1931 | |
165 | Howard Goold | What's Wrong with Readin', 'Ritin', and 'Rithmetic? | October 14, 1931 | |
164 | Phillip Parsons | From Coals to Goals | June 9, 1931 | |
163 | Joe Wetherbee | India “A Study” | May 12, 1931 | |
162 | Grant Beardsley | Modern Maternity | April 14, 1931 | |
161 | Fred Stetson | Building an Educational Program for Oregon | March 10, 1931 | |
160 | Joe McArthur | Development of a Hydro-Electric Project | February 10, 1931 | |
159 | Charles Carpenter | The Supreme Court and Its Work | January 13, 1931 | |
158 | William Tugman | Trial by City Desk | December 9, 1930 | |
157 | Hale Douglass | The Modern University Library and Its Building | November 11, 1930 | |
156 | William Kuykendall | The Modern Service Club | October 14, 1930 | |
155 | Dean Walker | Education -- Higher or Lower | June 10, 1930 | |
154 | George Turnbull | Some Pioneer Oregon Newspapers | May 13, 1930 | |
153 | Edwin Hedge | A Geologist en Voyage | April 8, 1930 | |
152 | Frank Chambers | Pied a Terre | March 11, 1930 | |
151 | William Milne | Peace Day Problems in Ordnance | February 11, 1930 | |
150 | William Kuykendall | The Modern Service Club | January 14, 1930 | |
149 | Robert Clark | The Whys and Wherefores of Political Parties | December 10, 1929 | |
148 | Ralph Martin | Some Problems of Lumber Marketing | November 12, 1929 | |
147 | Walter Barnes | Forces in the New China | October 9, 1929 | |
146 | Robert Merrill | Branch Banking | June 11, 1929 | |
145 | John Mueller | History of the Feminist Movement | May 14, 1929 | |
144 | Edmund Conklin | When Life Loses Its Zest, or the Dangerous Age | April 9, 1929 | |
143 | John Bovard | Survey on Exercise and Health, Both Past and Present | March 12, 1929 | |
142 | Orin Stafford | Present Day Conceptions of the Material Universe | February 12, 1929 | |
141 | Omar Gullion | Para Nasal Sinuses | January 8, 1929 | |
140 | Milton Miller | Dentistry -- Ancient and Modern | December 11, 1928 | |
139 | H. Townsend | The Nature of Philosophy | November 13, 1928 | |
138 | Earl Immel | Our Jury System, Is it Efficient? | October 9, 1928 | |
137 | George Hurley | History of Surgery from Aescalapius to the Mayos | June 12, 1928 | |
136 | Albert Caswell | Exploring the Heavens | May 8, 1928 | |
135 | Albert Sweetser | Old Herbals and Medical Folklore | April 10, 1928 | |
134 | Edwin Potter | Governments of the Future | March 13, 1928 | |
133 | Merton Cameron | The Social Function of Public Service Commissions | February 14, 1928 | |
132 | Marion McClain | Our City and the Future | January 10, 1928 | |
131 | Edgar DeCou | Mathematics at Work and at Play | December 13, 1927 | |
130 | M.M. Boney | Co-operative Marketing | November 8, 1927 | |
129 | Warren Smith | Interesting Byways in Oregon | October 11, 1927 | |
128 | Joseph Schafer | A Mid-Western Specimen of American Political History | June 14, 1927 | |
127 | James Gilbert | The Pessimism of Early Economists | May 10, 1927 | |
126 | Earl Packard | The Secret of the Riches of Central Oregon | April 12, 1927 | |
125 | Frederick Dunn | The Yonic Principle in Religion and Art | March 8, 1927 | |
124 | Eric Allen | Our Changing Newspapers | February 8, 1927 | |
123 | Clayton Collins | Landlords, Tenants and Housing | January 11, 1927 | |
122 | Frank Eddy | A Study of Utopias | December 14, 1926 | |
121 | Frank Jenkins | The Old and the New Order in Journalism | November 9, 1926 | |
120 | Nelson Macduff | Relation of Natural Scenery to Public Welfare | October 12, 1926 | |
119 | Seward Allen | Some Glimpses of Artistic Europe | June 8, 1926 | |
118 | Madison Harris | The Cascade National Forest | May 11, 1926 | |
217 | Wayne Morse | Administration of Release Procedures in Oregon | February 8, 1938 | |
216 | Norman Tully | The War Myth in the United States | January 11, 1938 | |
215 | Grant Beardsley | Recent Developments in Obstetrics and Gynecology | December 14, 1937 | |
214 | Algernon Dixon | Our Capitol City, Impressions of a Part-Time Resident | November 9, 1937 | |
213 | Elon Moore | A Neglected Relationship: Wages and the Family | October 12, 1937 | |
212 | Orlando Hollis | Travel Scrapbook | May 11, 1937 | |
211 | Arthur Norton | The Medical Situation as I See It | April 13, 1937 | |
210 | Seward Allen | The Literary Lincoln | March 9, 1937 | |
209 | Lester Hulin | Col. E.D. Baker, Oregon's Patriotic Senator | February 9, 1937 | |
208 | Edgar DeCou | A Mathematician Explains | January 12, 1937 | |
207 | William Tugman | An Autopsy on Promises | December 8, 1936 | |
206 | Eric Allen | Mental Attitudes in Non-Democratic Countries | November 10, 1936 | |
205 | Warren Smith | What Is a University? | October 13, 1936 | |
204 | Fred Stetson | Side-Lights on Being Democratic | May 12, 1936 | |
203 | Harry Yocom | The Function of a Biological Station in Oregon | April 14, 1936 | |
202 | Milton Miller | Music From the Layman’s Viewpoint | March 10, 1936 | |
201 | Paul Washke | Intramural Sports | February 11, 1936 | |
200 | Ralph Martin | Lumbering and Laboring, With and Under N.R.A. | January 14, 1936 | |
199 | James Gilbert | The Thing We Call Property | December 10, 1935 | |
198 | Clayton Collins | Education Then and Now | November 12, 1935 | |
197 | Albert Caswell | Astronomy | October 8, 1935 | |
196 | Joseph Wetherbee | Graphic Evidence of Ancient Civilization in the Pacific Islands | May 14, 1935 | |
195 | Wayne Morse | Social Ends and Legal Objectives | April 9, 1935 | |
194 | Samuel Jameson | Social Change in Turkey | March 12, 1935 | |
193 | Marion McClain | The Battle of the Books | February 12, 1935 | |
192 | Ernest Moll | The Artist and Society | January 8, 1935 | |
191 | Robert Merrill | History of Inflation in the United States | December 11, 1934 | |
190 | Will Norris | Models, the Scientist’s Tools | November 13, 1934 | |
189 | Ralph Huestis | The Present Status of the Theory of Evolution | October 9, 1934 | |
188 | Lawrence Harris | High Lights of the Early Political History of Oregon | May 8, 1934 | |
187 | Orlando Hollis | The Progress of the Law | April 10, 1934 | |
186 | Frederic Dunn | The Senate, Rome and Washington | March 13, 1934 | |
185 | Albert Ross | Recent Advance in Medicine | February 13, 1934 | |
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