Each meeting includes two types of presentation given by a different member and the papers are available in the Round Table archives from all the way back to 1912. CLICK HERE for some guidelines for members about both kinds of presentations.
1 - Inspirational or Historical Moment
Before dinner a member speaks for 2-3 minutes about something that inspires and is also often of an historical nature.
One was even delivered remotely from across the pond - see video.
2 - Papers:Timeless Talks in a Changing World

Round Table talks, also referred to as papers, tell stories from all places and times. From the Japanese attack on Oregon (there really was one) to life in the South Pacific after the atomic bomb testing to the wonders of poetry. Or meteorites, language, music, philosophy, philanthropy, and well....just about anything.
The members' talks and the sometimes spirited discussions occurring afterward are the heart of the Round Table. Click here for a catalog of papers presented at the Club since 1913.
The Constitution and Bylaws do not set standards for the papers. Certain practices, however, have emerged over the years.
· Papers often do not relate directly to the presenter's specialty or occupation.
· Most papers can be presented in 25 minutes with time for questions and answers.
· Graphics are acceptable if they are important to the theme of the paper.
· The Vice President is responsible for arranging the papers for the upcoming Club year.
· The presenter is responsible for arranging an introducer and any audio/visual needs.
· Each year the Executive Committee selects the best paper of the year, copies of which are made available at the May meeting.
· Papers must be submitted in a format that can be filed in the Special Collections section of the University of Oregon Library (this is the part for future civilizations to study).